My Offer

I work with the body. Through the body we act in the world and it is at the same time, where we experience our own needs and our connection to others.

My offer is an experience to (re)connect and learn how your body can be a resource in your journey and how it can guide you. At any point in time you can learn something new, to notice and interpret sensations, deal with pain and attend to your physical needs in a sustainable way. So that you can pursue your mission with power and integrity and make a difference in the world. With strength, with pleasure and with fun.

Always adjusting to your needs and capacity I apply tools of talking, touch, breathwork, story telling, movement and more.

Bodybased coaching or therapy depending on your situation and goals with the process.

If you’re interested in offering bodybased (executive or team) coaching with me to your employees, please get in touch with me for enterprise conditions.

I work in English, German and/or Danish.

Catch A Breath

Once a week I hold an open practice for anyone who wants to take a moment to pause and breathe, reflect and connect to yourself to start the week.

What do you want to bring to this week?

This guided practice is free of charge. You need a space where you can focus and feel free to breathe in a relaxed way.

To join, you simply register here.


Every language has words that best describe a specific thing or situation. “Denkpause” is a German term I love, for taking a break to think.

Denkpause in this case is my offer to take a break to think. In a 30 min- conversation we can take a breath and think about a topic together.

30 min Free of Charge – book your Denkpause here

Individual Session

Sometimes all we need is a moment to reconnect to our body in it’s capacity to notice what we need and who we are. And sometimes this is the first step on a longer journey. Sessions can take place online or in person in Berlin.

75 min 150 €*

Learning Process – (6-12 Sessions over 2-4 Months)

You want to make a sustainable shift and build a strong foundation for yourself. You want company on your journey and would like my support over a period of time. We will meet for sessions and you get tailored training to deepen your learning in between sessions.

Urban Retreat Intensive Process

The heart of the Urban Retreat is a Weekend, where we will do four one-on-one in person sessions in two days. The Urban Retreat is an opportunity to become a bit nerdy about a topic and really zoom in. You do that, to give something your attention, to learn from it and then move on… whatever that might mean at the moment. You will learn things about yourself, you will experiment and together we become curious of what your body offers and needs at this moment in time. 

This formate is fitting for anyone 

  • with a chronic physical symptom that they would like to gain a new perspective on
  • with a decision that they want to take with all of their heart or
  • with a recurring thought or dilemma that is occupying their mind
  • curious of what they might discover. 

The urban retreat is an opportunity to immerse yourself in a topic in a short but intense format. I offer this format a couple of times per year in Berlin. The Urban Retreat includes six Sessions: one kick-off session** prior to the weekend, the four sessions at the weekend, and an integration** session two weeks after the retreat. . If you’re interested to hear more about this format, please get in touch.

**online or in person.
Note: Accommodation and food are not included! But I’ll gladly support you with recommendations, if you are unknown to Berlin and need guidance as to where to stay etc.

*Coaching sessions are exempt from VAT under the small business regulation (Kleinunternehmer-Regelung)
*Body-oriented/somatic psychotherapy is exempt from VAT in accordance with Section 4 No. 14 UStG.