Imperfect Parents Practice

Hello and welcome, curious person!

Let me start with this: You are a great parent!

You are also just a person. And in life as a person with parental responsibilities, there are an incredible number of topics that you can deal with consciously or unconsciously.

Many topics that present challenges because you are not only a parent, but also a worker, someone’s child, sibling, friend, colleague… Topics of an everyday life that you would perhaps like to experience more simply, calmly, faster, with more freedom, more creatively, etc. Which sometimes (often?) leads to a conflict of interest or at least conflicting needs. 

Navigating this is possibly one of the greatest challenges we have. And it inevitably leads to meeting our edge; the places where we’re unable to live up to our own standards. 

When you want to meet your edge and expand, it’s great to have company. Someone who holds you, when it hurts and cheers with you, when it’s so exciting you are tingling. 

And sometimes the best conversations we have are with strangers. People who know very little about our lives and who end up asking questions, because they’re curious. It’s almost like thinking out loud with a witness. And then we realize what has been bugging us. Or how we want to say something the next time. Or what it really is we care about in that situation. 

Imagine a space with other parents, where you can ask the question you’re most vulnerable about, and you get to find your own best solution. 

Some might be strangers, some might be friends. What you all have in common is that you’re looking for your way through this as best as you can.  As a whole person.

If you want to establish a  practice of reflecting on how you show up and what you need in your capacity as a parent and as a person.  

Monthly sessions take place online on the last Thursday of each month at 8-10pm Berlin Time (Time converter).

Next Sessions: January 30th, February 27th, March 27th, April (MONDAY! 10am-12pm) 28th, May 29th, June 26th

All you need is a room you feel safe and comfortable in and a device that connects you to us. Take a candle, a nice tea and a snack if you like.

This is for you if 

  • You have read the books. You have listened to podcasts. And still sometimes you have doubts.
  • You’re open to learn and do your inner work, to take your own next step.
  • You want to connect with others who understand the complexity of being a person and a parent at the same time.
  • You want to be more relaxed with being imperfect. 

What you will get 

  • Connection to other imperfect parents with diverse backgorunds
  • Space for you as a person with individual needs and wishes
  • Time to breathe, think and notice yourself, be vulnerable, be brave and feel that you’re actually not alone even when you’re looking for your own path.
  • (Embodiment) Tools to connect to yourself and stay connected to those around you.
  • Learn a peer coaching format guided by an experienced coach, therapist and… imperfect parent. 

Price: 35,- €  per Session  // 120,-€ if you book 4 Sessions at once

If you want to join the Imperfect Parents’ Practice – get in touch for a free (ca. 20min) call, where we get to know each other and find out whether it’s a match.

If January doesn’t work for you, but you would like to stay updated about future sessions, you can sign up to my newsletter here.